Top 7 Most Heavy Animals In The World

Top 7 Most Heavy Animals In The World   

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1. Blue Whale

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Large-scale blue whales today is the largest most intelligent animal in the world. It weighs around 200 tons and its tongue alone weighs as a full grown elephant. Blue whales are found in the oceans all over the world but prefer warm climates. It migrants thousands of miles every year and is seen alone along with the groups. To maintain itself, the world's heaviest animals have to consume more than 4 tons of food and mostly contain plankton and crill.

2. Whale Shark

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The second largest animal is the world's largest and most heaviest fish (since the blue whale is a mammal) and is longer than 12 meters. It can weigh more than 18,000 kg and needs to consume large amounts of food every day. Wheel shark jaws can open up to 1 meter wide and it mainly eats small animals like crustaceans, crials and crabs. Great white sharks are top hunters of the sea.

3. African Elephant

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Larger than the two elephant species in the world, African elephants are one of the world's deadliest animals. It can be separated from Asian by the size of the ears and the fact is that this species tusks in comparison to only male Asian elephants in both male and female species. It is the heaviest land animal and the weight is more than 6 tons. This species of elephant lives in western and central Africa and needs 300 pounds of food every day. They live in the herd and travel long distances in search of food, which can be very rare in the summer. Elephants are one of the world's largest animals


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After the African Elephant, the second largest animal, the Asian Elephant has three subspecies - Indian, Sri Lanka and Sumatran. These elephants can weigh up to 5 tons and generally can forage for 19 hours to find grass, roots and leaves for food. The elephants have many functions in the long muscular trunk. First of all, it helps in catching food and moving in the mouth. It also works as a nail to spray water on the back of animals during the summer heat. Apart from being one of the world's heaviest animals, the elephant also has the longest pregnancy period of 22 months. Apart from this, you like to read about the most amazing blind animals in the world.


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This African animal is amazing in many ways. It is one of the world's heaviest animals and weighs between 3600 and 7800 pounds anywhere. It has a big horn on its head which can be 1.5 meters long and this animal can live for 5 days without water. This adaptation helps in survival in dry climates where water is not available regularly. Despite its name, the white rhinoceros is actually brown and the name is a misunderstood name that comes from the African world 'wijd'.

6. Hippopotamus

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This African animal is one of the heaviest animals on Earth and weighs 7500 pounds. It is native to South Africa but can be found today in the zoo around the world. To avoid hot climate, Hippos spend most of their life in water and they are also very swimmers. Hippos eat a lot and need to consume more than 80 pounds of grass a day and they like to feed after the evening. One of the toughest animals does not contain perspiration glands and instead sprouts a reddish fluid in which other animals have a sweaty task. Despite their vegetarian diet, they have big teeth that are used to fight for men.

7. Giraffei

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The tallest animal found in South Africa is also the heaviest. It can be as tall as 20 feet in weight, up to 3500 pounds. Giraffe legs are taller than just an adult, which measures 6 feet more. The long neck, as well as the 21-inch tongue, helps the Giraffe to leave a very tall tree. This animal can go without water at a time. The interesting thing is that in the neck of the giraffa there is a vertebra like the human neck, but every bone is very much in the giraffa. While avoiding predators, these animals can also run at speeds up to 50 kilometers per hour.

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